Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Sniffer

The Sniffer

Why do dogs sniff?? If they meet a human they sniff, if they meet a fellow dog they sniff, if they have to poop they sniff, if they need to pee they sniff, if they have to eat they sniff, if they walk they sniff. This question has intrigued me a lot. Afraid of the admonition this question may generate I have not dared to ask anybody about this funny curiosity of mine. Imagine yourselves asking this question to an acquaintance. Do you think their response would be any different than “Coz, they are dogs.. genius” or “Dogs are supposed to do that dude” or even “DUH, Einstein!!” You may laugh at me but I have finally taken the courage to ask this question to myself. I sincerely hope that I am able to satisfy myself by answering this question. Somebody said “The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity.”  Boredom or curiosity, I have no interest in channeling my energies into finding that out but at the end of it, the question, for me, still remains – “Why do dogs sniff as if their life depended on it.”

If you are a dog parent and that too a new one then I am sure you would sympathize with me and understand how difficult it is to walk a dog whose whole mission in life seems to be sniffing every leaf on the bush or every rock that he/she passes by. This being primary but apart from it the secondary and tertiary reason to go so deep in this matter, that many may consider trivial, because I believe that this endeavor of mine will help me bring closer to my adopted non-human child Bud. Some of you may question if this subject is really worthy of exploring or is it just a waste of time and a vomit of my brain for the sake of writing something. Let’s see. 

Edward de Bono – does the name sound familiar. If it did not ring a bell then I would request you to look him up. If nothing else, his ideas will help add another spectrum to your thought process. So, yes, he motivated me, though not personally but through one his many intelligent writings about the subject of “Lateral Thinking”. There are many a words and volumes written on this subject but I find Edward de Bono’s to be most clear. You are free to disagree with me and no offense will be taken. Never mind, progressing on the topic, I have come to understand, courtesy Edward de Bono, that there are “Critical Thinking” and “Lateral Thinking” approaches that can be employed to reach to a conclusion or a solution of a given problem. From whatever little that I have read about the subject I can safely say that “Critical Thinking” empowers a person to discover if a statement is fully true or partially true or fully false by placing the observations and facts in right order. On the other hand, “Lateral Thinking” takes the help of creativity plus reasoning and lets you create a new idea from an already existing known fact or idea. Critical or Lateral, both are just different approaches to reach to the end goal of problem solving. Latter is employed less as it deals a little bit with diving in the abstract world and requires a lot of practice to master. I also call it “Brain Cultivating”. I wonder whether Hercule Poirot refers to THIS alternate thinking approach when he says, “Mon Ami, let the little grey cells do their work”.  Since I am an avid follower and believer of this subject so I have some faith that this creative and off-the-beaten-track approach would help quench my thirst at least for the time being. Now, I hope, I have established a connection between the two subjects that we are talking about (Dog sniff and Lateral thinking). So, if we are no longer feeling lost or disinterested let’s proceed. Although, I am warning the weak of heart that henceforth whatever is going to come is a vomit of my brain and is bound to disgust some part of the diaspora. So, please proceed at your own risk. 

Let us consider humans as an example of class animal on planet earth. We all know what incredible feats humans are capable of in today’s world? There remains very little that man has not tried. We have sized the universe. I believe that if Shashank S can start blogging out of the blue then there is nothing in the world that other humans cannot achieve. The point of the analogy is that a task may seem impossible at a time but if effort is applied with little love and labor then success will be surely achieved. Persistence is another factor but for now let’s assume the former to be main ingredient that helps us start walking towards our goal. Let’s try and circle back to our main topic. Before we jump to the original question let’s get deviated again a little in trying to understand humans from nature’s perspective. What is the biggest advantage that humans have over other fellow inhabitants and makes us say that we are superior to other species on planet Earth? In other words what has man received from Nature in order to survive on Earth? Unlimited Brain power, five senses, ability to use our digits, communication via spoken language, display emotions, communication via body language, skill to organize and stay together (and not limited to)are just some of the many abilities that we have acquired over thousands of years of evolution and are still evolving. We say the next generation is always smarter and better than the last. Nature has built humans as they need to be so that they can continuously learn, evolve and survive. They are a perfectly designed unit capable of sustaining their life.

 In the same light, let’s compare what dogs have received as rewards from our mother nature. They are four legged, have enhanced listening powers, have  enhanced smelling power, enhanced running power, have good eyes, very efficient anatomy to survive in the wild and other plethora of abilities that helps them survive on planet Earth. From the above we can safely say that dogs are also built as a perfect unit that makes them well capable of sustaining their life. Someone may pitch in and say “Well, this is all good but are we talking about wild dogs or domesticated ones because they differ at so many different levels?” Good question and a factor worthy of taking into consideration and to keep things at parity let us focus on anatomy only. I am sure, considering anatomically, we all can agree with my statements above as they would apply to both types. And, we should not forget dogs are descendants of wolves and share many similar traits.

Initially, Nature had put dogs almost at the top of the food chain until man used his brain power to climb to the top and displaced the harmony created by nature. Maybe this is a part of the big picture that Nature sees or a side effect of big chemical/biological process. It’s hard to imagine Nature making a mistake. Yeah?  Anyway, my thoughts are that dog and human are built perfect and exactly to their needs by mother Nature. If observed carefully, the attributes of a dog and human can be actually compared as apples to apples since Nature has given almost the same things to both but in varying degrees of proportions. Again, compare them anatomically and you will understand what I am talking about. We both have ears but they listen more. We both have eyes but we see better in daylight and they in dark. We both have nose but they parse a smell better.  We both have legs but they run faster. We both have brains but humans are much better in its application. We both have spine but we walk straight. And so on… But all the above prove nothing except that Nature has provided us with precisely what we need. And the answer to the topic of this blog actually lies in the last statement that I just made. Dogs have exactly what they need. They have a weak vision during daylight so that they can see better in dark. Their eyes do not register the same colors and depth as a human eye does. They see a paler shade of everything but deficiency helps them to see better in dark. Hmm.. sounds like another classic example of natural trade-off to better the efficiency of the body. Nevertheless, this deficiency of sight is more than compensated by heightened sense of smell and hearing. These three qualities in conjunction helps a dog to register the exact nature of the object and hence classify it as dangerous or friendly. In short if you consider the perils of living on earth with limited resources then using their eyes, long range ears and smelling skills in combination is the best strategy to stay alive. The more they know and understand the more they would be safer and hence live longer. So, what may be an annoyance to some is a survival strategy for the other. 

Another interesting idea, try investigating why a human child (infants) always takes things in its mouth. You would be surprised to know that it is for the same reason that dogs sniff. To compensate for the lack of perfectly developed vision they employ sense of touch to understand about the object. Although, often times they end up hurting themselves in this process but this is how they learn and make choices in future if presented with same objects again. Human child takes very long to mature and needs protection and help at all stages to survive. Humans have mastered this art by building infrastructures and facilities to save a child from perishing to the elements before its maturity. I am veering towards another blog topic but I guess you would have got my point by now that infants like any other species try to employ whatever best option they have (in this case touch) to perceive and understand about objects. 

We have talked and compared two species here. No numbers were involved, no statistics were consulted but we had some scattered ideas, some reasoning and some creativity which helped us to build new ones. This looks like we have successfully used a pattern of lateral thinking approach. And also we have a conclusion too. So, at this juncture, I am pretty satisfied with the justification. So the bottom line is it is all part of survival strategy and that each species is made the way it is.
So what should you do when your dog sniffs like crazy? I guess, since he/she is domesticated he/she has lost its right of survival. What do you think?

Shashank S

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